Any business that wants to be successful must have in its genes a product or service that people need. That product or service must also be affordable and present a value proposition to the customer or client. The challenge for many businesses is linking the product or service with the customer or client.
Traditional means of advertising are costly and seldom represent a feasible value proposition for the small business entrepreneur. It is here that social media platforms play an invaluable role in conveying the specifics of the product or services being offered.
Now many users of social media platforms may be annoyed by the constant flow of advertisements and product related articles that pop up in their streams. No doubt this very article may be one of them. However, I ask you to consider the following: Someone out there is an entrepreneur trying to earn a living, provide for his or her family, employ others and provides a product or service that desperately wants to connect with customers or clients in need.
Please consider a “Like” or “Share”. It may mean very little to you and take a few seconds of your time but for the entrepreneur, it may mean everything. It may make the difference between success or failure, employment or unemployment, food and a home for the family or not and growth in the economy or not. For South Africa to solve its unemployment statistics, which is totally unacceptable, growth of small businesses and supporting entrepreneurs is a pre-condition. Certainly, this obligation cannot be borne by government and consequently tax-payers only.
So next time you see someone talking about their business, advertising a product or a service or looking to expand their client or customer base please “Like” or “Share”. What you are in fact doing is helping yourself by helping others. Entrepreneurs can grow into SMMEs, SMMEs employ people and grow into bigger companies, bigger companies pay taxes, and this helps to fund the country and ultimately each citizen like you and I benefit both directly and indirectly, more so if you own your own business. So please “Like” and “Share” this article and our page including the ones you come across on social media platforms. You can make an invaluable difference in the lives of others with this simple act.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Barrisford Petersen
Managing Director
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